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Showing posts from April, 2017

emmy and her first season of t-ball

TAKE ME OUT TO THE BALL GAME, TAKE ME OUT TO THE CROWD (team picture) Little miss Emmy had her first season of t-ball the last few months and it was interesting. I was so excited to get her signed up. I grew up playing softball and of course I would love for my daughter to love it the way I did. I debated on whether it was too soon to put her in or not. I did not want her to hate it or resent it. She is so young and impressionable but very stubborn. Well I could't resist so we signed her up.  Watching a bunch of three and four year olds playing t-ball was hilarious! Some knew the sport really well, others were chasing butterflies in the outfield. Emmy did decent. She loved getting dressed in her uniform and hat, but as soon as we got to the park it was like a switch flipped. She wouldn't play out in the field without mom right by her side. When she was up to bat, the coach couldn't help her, it had to be me. As much as this was frustrating because I just wan...

Riggins' First Birthday!

How is my baby already one?  Riggins goes by Riggs and bubba. A lot of the time he responds to bubba better than Riggs or Riggins. He is such a mellow boy. Jabbers non-stop. Favorite and only thing he says is MAMA. Not to mention that he is an absolute mamas boy. Is a speed crawler on his knees and toes.  He stands up on everything. Has seven teeth that make up the sweetest smile. He loves balls and anything with wheels. He looks very much like his dad and has the best cheeks to munch on! Riggs eats like a champ and loves all food, but blueberries and eggs are his favorite! This boy always wants to be with his big sister and follows her everywhere. Outside is his favorite place to be. He tries to eat rocks daily and don't even get me started on the dirt. One of my favorite things that Riggs does is burrow's his head into the ground, pillows or into Tyson and me. It is seriously the cutest thing ever! From birth Riggins had some intense face stork bites and bruises. It...