Brooks' pregnancy was by far my hardest. The struggles with sickness, body pain in every way including a hernia, and the mental battles that I faced was almost too much for me. I know without a doubt that the Lord was aware of me and made up for that which I couldn't.
The only fun part of this pregnancy was not knowing what we were having! I still cannot even believe that I did this! It was such a challenge and by 30 weeks I was aching to nest and had no clue what to nest for! In the end I absolutely loved finding out at birth and will probably do it again!
We ended up moving in June which left me traveling about an hour to my doctor for my appointments. It was 100% worth it and I WILL do it again with my last. He is the best doctor I have ever had and the nursing staff and everyone around was fantastic to say the least! Hospital included. (I'll get to them later!)
Once I got about three weeks from my due date I requested for my membranes to be stripped. (I had them stripped with Riggins and he came the same day!) I was so done being pregnant that I had my hopes so high this day. Well, guess what.... IT DIDN'T HAPPEN! Neither did it happen the next week when we tried again! I was feeling so defeated. This child did not want to come out. With this series of events or lack thereof, we decided on an induction date of November 20th, at 6 A.M.!!!
We got up early, neither of us were sleeping anyway! (Speaking of me and the child, Tyson definitely slept!) We headed up to Davis Hospital and got checked in. It was so strange and surprisingly calm. It wasn't my first rodeo, and it was planned. There was no sense of urgency for anyone and not even from myself. I knew I was getting that baby that day! We got all situated in our room and they hooked me all up. The worst part for me is easily the IV. I hate the placements and it's just annoying. However, my nurses were amazing! I had the opportunity to have the top dog taking care of me. She was a veteran in her field and it showed! I felt so lucky and cared for by her. (Chief Nurse!)
Around 8 o'clock my doctor came in and got my water broke and I enjoyed the feeling of continually peeing my pants with zero self control ;) He then said if I wanted the epidural to just get it now and there was no reason to wait it out. So I did just that! I got my epidural and felt great! I told him that I was not a long wait and to be ready! He then said to me, "well I have lunch at noon, can you make that happen?" I looked at the clock and said, "yeah that'll be perfect!"
Sure enough, he got the call during his lunch as he requested and we were ready to roll around 12:35ish. This is where it gets awesome! My doctor let Tyson deliver Brooks! Tyson and the doc both got gowned up and ready to deliver! I was so dang excited to finally find out what this baby was! It made it that much more exciting that Tyson was going to be delivering this baby and sharing that news with me!
Now with both my other pregnancies I threw up while pushing or right before. NOT THIS TIME FOLKS! I was so at peace and calm that I didn't let my stomach get the best of me.
I pushed 3-4 times with some good laughs in-between because of the hilarious faces Tyson was making as he was being coached on the spot to deliver. He kept telling me to stop watching him he was focussing and to just push haha! After my last push it was a sigh of relief as if the struggle had just left my body... Tyson announces that it was A BOY!!!!! I was so happy! That little boy was the root of all my struggles the last 9 months, and he was perfect! He was worth it all.
Brooks came out with bright blonde hair and the cutest little face. We were so confused of the blonde hair but LOVED IT! He was my biggest baby thus far weighing into the sevens. I couldn't believe that my biggest baby did ZERO damage to me in delivery. Tyson did such a good job delivering. Riggs was getting a little buddy to wrestle and play tough with finally. My mind quickly went to my sweet little Emmy though because she wanted a sister so badly. I was so worried her feelings would be hurt or that she would be too sad it was a boy. I said a prayer in that moment and asked the Lord to bless her to be okay with this and thanked him for what I believe was the most perfect delivery.
When my mom brought the kids over to the hospital to meet Brooks they both had very bad colds. I almost decided against them coming to see him, but I just had a peaceful feeling that it would be okay. They both came in and rushed to the hospital bed to see him. Emmy says, "mom, it's a girl!" And I replied, "oh no sweetie, it's a boy!" She was a little confused or surprised because she didn't have anything to say after that! I quickly just asked them both to sit up on my lap and hold their new baby brother Brooks. They both jumped up on my lap and together held their new baby brother!
Brooks was and will always be so loved by them!I'm happy to say that even though they had bad colds, that Brooks never caught anything and has stayed very healthy through it. He is a nursing champ and I could not have asked for a better baby! He is the sweetest little guy and we are all completely in love with him!
Such a cute story! :)