Emmy and Olivia are only one day apart! Theirs dads grew up together playing sports in Shelley Idaho! I cannot tell you how GREAT it was having a friend to got through pregnancy with. (Especially being your first one)! Kenzie (Oli's mom) and I became such good friends and I couldn't have asked for someone better! We were able to talk about everything that was going on and compare. It made pregnancy so much fun too! It's nice to have a friend that is going through the same things as you and is there to talk to! So I was due February 3rd and Kenzie was due on February 8th. Crazy enough, she ended up having her baby the day before me! So our little girls are only a day apart! Even to this day we are always talking and helping each other through. Emmy and Olivia are 5 months now and creepin' up on 6 months quickyl! Such a huge blessing to have a close friend to experience pregnancy and motherhood with! HUGE BLESSING!

The girls first time meeting outside the wombs!
Around 2.5 months for these cuties! ^^^
Reunited after a few months!
The girls are now 5 months old in these pictures!
Emmy & Oli
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