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New Year, New Goals

Hey everyone!

I am doing this post majorly for my personal accountability! but.... I would love to be inspired and hear from you all on what goals you have set for this new year.

So, one of my favorite things is that my new year starts and my new age! I was born on January 6th so when I start a new year I am also starting my new year of age too! I feel so blessed at the beginning of the year and felt super motivated to start my new year off right with some meaningful goals.

For my 2018 year... and my 25th year of life, I want to grow more. I want to get out of my comfortable little bubble and make myself UNCOMFORTABLE.

Whatttt???? Why on earth would I do this to myself? I know, it's crazy. The quote that I am trying to live by is this, "GET COMFORTABLE BEING UNCOMFORTABLE!" I truly believe this is the only way that I can grow into the woman I am meant to be. As hard as this is going to be for me, I am going to do it. I'm going to try really hard and become more than what I am.

Now, don't get me wrong, I love who I am. I hold a lot of qualities that are special and important but there is truly something amazing you feel when you grow as a person. Becoming the person that my Heavenly Father has planned for me is what I want. He sees so much potential in all of us and it is time for me to start making an effort into building myself into whatever he has planned for me. So I'm doing.
To add to my inspiration, raise of hands for those that watched the Golden Globes or at least saw Oprah Winfrey's speech? It was touching to see so many people supporting her and feeling her speech. I love her message of a CHANGE ON THE HORIZON. We can be apart of that change. A change in ourselves. How we treat others, how we use social media, how we simply love all those around us. I want to be a strong example of a woman for my children. That can only come from growth and getting outside of my bubble. I am using this as one of my MAIN GOALS for this year and every year after that. To simply LOVE. Love more. Love often. Love unconditionally. Love fearlessly. I hope we can all add this one to our goals this year. This world needs more love.

My hope this year with my goals are that I will grow from them. I hope to hear from all of you on the goals you have set for yourselves as well! Let's work together to become better!

With all that said, here are my 2018 GOALS:


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