Putting Emmy into preschool was hands down the best idea. SHE LOVED IT! This girl is so smart and funny. Putting her in school was a decision Tyson and I made solely on her making friends and being social. She is plenty smart and only progressed this year of school. Emmy has such a wonderful teacher that she adored, Teacher Rachel. Give a Hoot Preschool was exactly what Emmy needed. She made so many little friends in her class. Wyatt and Ava were among a few of her very favorites in the class! Emmy can't wait to start preschool again in the Fall. Hoping she will make lots of new friends again and continue to love school so much!
Brooks' pregnancy was by far my hardest. The struggles with sickness, body pain in every way including a hernia, and the mental battles that I faced was almost too much for me. I know without a doubt that the Lord was aware of me and made up for that which I couldn't. The only fun part of this pregnancy was not knowing what we were having! I still cannot even believe that I did this! It was such a challenge and by 30 weeks I was aching to nest and had no clue what to nest for! In the end I absolutely loved finding out at birth and will probably do it again! We ended up moving in June which left me traveling about an hour to my doctor for my appointments. It was 100% worth it and I WILL do it again with my last. He is the best doctor I have ever had and the nursing staff and everyone around was fantastic to say the least! Hospital included. (I'll get to them later!) Once I got about three weeks from my due date I requested for my membranes to be s...
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